7 مقاله منتشر شده در این شماره عبارتاند از:
ردیف | نام مقاله | نویسنده | صفحه اول مقاله | فایل |
1 | The science of urban design | Kim Dovey, Elek Pafka | دانلود | |
2 | A typology of Urban Design theories and its application to the shared body of knowledge | Hooman Foroughmand Araabi | ||
3 | ‘What is space syntax not?’ Reflections on space syntax as sociospatial theory | Vinicius M Netto | دانلود | |
4 | Morphological logic in historical settlements: Space syntax analyses of residential districts at Mohenjo-Daro, Kahun and Ur | Nelly Shafik Ramzy | دانلود | |
5 | Active centers – interactive edges: The rise and fall of ground floor frontages | Conrad C Kickert | دانلود | |
6 | The transformation of public space in South Africa and the role of urban design | Karina Landman | دانلود | |
7 | Modularity and sustainability: Eindhoven as an example of pragmatic sustainable design | Antonio Zumelzu, Kees Doevendans | دانلود |